Thursday, March 08, 2007

Moonbattery at its finest

Evidently, the Georgia chapter of the NAACP has solved every one of the problems facing African-Americans in that state. Otherwise why waste valuable work time on something as silly and meaningless as this?

The Georgia NAACP on Wednesday called for Gov. Sonny Perdue to follow Virginia's lead and issue an apology for the state's role in slavery and Jim Crow.

Edward O. DuBose, president of the Georgia State Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said an apology would be "an acknowledgement that a wrong took place."

"An apology will not improve education, but an apology will acknowledge that whites benefited from the slavery and the inhumane treatment of African-Americans," DuBose said during a news conference at the state Capitol.

This is the dumbest thing I've read all week. What possible good do these race-mongers in Georgia imagine will come from a bunch of white people who weren't alive during slavery, apologizing for something they didn't do?

How can a person apologize for a crime he didn't commit?

Tackling the problems that face the black community (illigitimacy, HS dropout rate, drug use, crime, rap music) would require taking responsibility for their own lives. It's much easier to blame others for your short-comings than to take responsibility for your own failings. That's what these NAACP guys are doing, blaming something horrible that ended 140 years ago for their failure to thrive today. And liberal white-guilt legitimizes it.

There's an ulterior motive at work here too: the point is to get corporate and government America to admit guilt for slavery by apologizing for it. Once that's achieved, you know what the next step is....the demand for reparations.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the requests of leaders from the rest of the world to me. If they can't some cash then it is a no-go. Look at NOKO. Japan has shut them down monetarily, and they want to quit talking. We don't bargain - we buy. Sounds alot like Democratic politics at work.
