Thursday, March 22, 2007

Liberal ire flaunts common sense

This is Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), the latest target of liberal hatemongers and race baiters. He's in their crosshairs because after 18 months, he thinks Katrina left-overs should find at least half-time work in order to continue to suckle at the public teat, existing off of taxes seized from productive Americans...

Right-Wing Amendment Forces Katrina Victims To Find A Job Before Receiving Aid

The House today is debating the Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing Recovery Act of 2007.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, introduced an amendment that would require victims of Hurricane Katrina to perform 20 hours/week of approved “work activities” to receive financial aid for housing.

In an impassioned speech, Rep. David Scott (D-GA) addressed Hensarling on the House floor:

"This amendment is cruel, it is cold, it is calculating, and it is pandering to the schizophrenic dichotomy that has plagued this nation since they first brought Africans on these shores from Africa. And that is the issue of race and poverty."

That Katrina victims remain on the public dole a year and a half since the hurricane, all the while doing nothing to care for themselves, is preposterous! Americans find themselves the victims of home-destroying, natural disasaters all the time: forest fires out west, floods in the north-east, tornados pretty much everywhere, mud-slides in California, sink-holes and hurricanes in Florida, just to name some disasters that regularly victimize Americans. Katrina people seem to think they are somehow special and deserving of extended taxpayer support. Why do you think it is that other victims pick themselves up and move on, yet Katrina folks seem to cling to public support endlessly? Could it be that their lifestyle prior to Katrina was one of dependence and government care so they don't know anything else?

I found this story over on the barking moonbat blog if you want to read their hysterical complaints.


  1. I say that we should stop the gravy train, and stop it now. If these folks haven't permanetly settled somewhere, then make 'em. Let's get that money where it needs to be - back in the politicians pockets.

  2. Back in the pockets of the productive Americans from whom it was seized.
