Monday, March 26, 2007

Dumb hippies exercising their "rights"

Here's what your basic smelly hippie war protester looks like. Sure, he's supremely objectionable, half-witted, and smelly but this is America and there are no laws against public stupidity.

But there is another brand of stupid hippie, a vile, loathsome degenerate type of hippie. Here they are in action at the anti-war rally in SanFran last week. This is one of the most disturbing videos I've seen of stupid hippies trying to recapture their glory days of Vietnam. Listen to the chanting of the crowd. It's as awful as the images.

There is supposedly another video making the rounds, but I won't show it here, of a guy defecating on the American flag in front of women and children.

If you are aligned with the anti-war left in this country, you should look around and see with whom it is you are sleeping. These people on the left in this country are a bunch of sickos. You never, never see conservatives acting like this. And if you did, the media would be condemning them left and right, but if leftist, hate-America radicals do it, it all but gets ignored as a normal popular reaction to the war. This is because deep down, the people in the media believe that America is evil and they see nothing wrong with this anti-social behavior.

Deplorable, just deplorable!

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