Thursday, February 01, 2007

This just in....Mayor of SanFran Likes Women!

SanFranciscans are bored, bored I say, to hear the news of a heterosexual affair in the mayor's office of their fair city...

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's re-election campaign manager resigned Wednesday after confronting the mayor about an affair Newsom had with his wife while she worked in the mayor's office, City Hall sources said.

Male political leaders having affairs with female staff members is so cliche'd in it Clintonness, it barely ranks as newsworthy. C'mon, this is San Francisco. Where is the page-fondling, the gay lover nepotism, the lecherous e-mails, the cross-dressing leather parties?

Seriously....a heterosexual relationship during a divorce ranking as scandle-worthy in San Francisco? Must be a sloooow news day.

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