Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Thanks Jimmeh!

The jihadistic fantasy in which Iran's President lives, and which controls his ambitions, could have been predicted 28 years ago during the end of the Carter presidency...

"Giant achievements" by Iran will be unveiled by its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in the coming days, the Iranian Fars news agency reported on Saturday.

The Iranian news agency said an upcoming dramatic announcement on Iran's nuclear "rights" would be made on February 11. The report was accompanied by a series of announcements heralding alleged Iranian technological and medical breakthroughs, including an "AIDS cure."

Ahmadinejad's "administration is going to publicize the country's remarkable progresses and achievements within the coming days," the Fars news agency said.

"The Iranian president also reiterated that February 11 is the day when the Iranian nation's inalienable right to access and use nuclear technology will be established," the agency added.

"The Iranian nation will celebrate stabilization and establishment of its nuclear rights during the Ten-Day Dawn, (sic)" Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying. The "ten-day dawn" in early February marks the date of the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979.

Of course we have Jimmy "the dhimmi" Carter to thank for that. His pulling the persian rug out from under the Shah of Iran, and the subsequent rise of the Ayatollah, marked the beginning of radical Islam's hatred of America as the Great Satan.

You can blame Jamie Gorelick directly for 9/11 in the short term. You can blame Jimmy Carter for 9/11 in the long term.
9/11 marked the natural, predictable culmination of the war between Western and Muslim civilizations that started when Jimmeh allowed the radicals to take over in Iran. Jamie Gorelick and the Clinton's were responsible for the communications wall between the CIA and FBI that would have easily prevented it.

And Hillary wants to be President....heaven help us!

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