Monday, February 05, 2007

Super Coaches

Lovie Smith is now the answer to a trivia question. Who is the first black head coach, to coach a losing team in a Super Bowl? He will be the other part to the question, "Who is the first white coach to lose a Super Bowl? I never would have stated that, but during the post game intervies our elite group of moronic neer-do-weels (better known as the press) decided that Tony Dungy must be asked how he felt being bthe first Black head coach to win. His eloquent answer should suffice for all people."It feels great to win, but if it weren't for supportive people I wouldn't have had this chance." Good answer. Tony is a good guy, a good coach, and a good role model for us all. Humble and kind. I respect this man. I wonder why no one has asked him if he wishes his son were there to enjoy the ride? This guy has had a lot to deal with in the past year or so, lets just let him enjoy his time in the sun. As we all know, it will be all to flleting, and the media crosshairs will be aimed at him very soon, again.
As for Lovie, well this blogger feels that his team overacheived. He should be congratulated for the accomplishment, and given an opportunity to help better this storied franchise. Maybe their best years are still yet to come. He seems to be able to grasp the players needs, while managing to appease the owners and their needs as well. I don't think race has anything to do with character. He is and will be a winner. I tip my hat to him, and to Tony Dungy, neither man allowed the Super Bowl story this year to be trivilaized by color. They did their job. Wish the reporters could now do theirs, but do it without trying to rive any wedge available int the meat of a story. Two classy gentlemen. If only the media could follow suit.
By the way Hank Stram of the Kansas City Chiefs is the other trivia answer. Lovie and Hank will be forever linked in liberal media trivia. I hope I don't live long enough to hear the question asked.

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