Monday, February 26, 2007

The Religion of Peace

Gals, the next time you take for granted your right to make eyes at that cute bug man, plumber, or mail man, be thankful you don't bear the risks for such behavior like those who worship the great and benevolent prophet Mohammad...

Islamabad - Two women in Pakistan have been hacked to death by close relatives who suspected them of flirting with neighbours, in a so-called honour killing, police said on Saturday.

Farida, 18, and Hameeda, 20, were asleep when the men attacked them with axes, smashing their heads, in a village in southern Sindh province on Thursday morning, police officer Ghulam Nabi said.

"The girls were asleep in their home when their four uncles attacked them," Nabi told AFP.

"They suspected the victims had bad character and were flirting with men in the village," Nabi said, adding that two of the attackers had been arrested and police were searching for the other two.

The suspects told police the victims, who were not married, were kari (black women) - a term coined for women branded as morally corrupt and liable to be killed in the name of family honour.

Officials say nearly 5 000 people, mostly women, have been killed in rural areas of Pakistan over the past five years in the name of protecting family honour.

Boy that's some great religion that Islam!

Hat tip


  1. Ed, you are so intolerant and unfairly critical of people and cultures different than you.

  2. Ed you are intolerant on this issue, and thankfully so. How can it be morally right to bludgen someone to death as they sleep? For flirting? Next thing you know, young women will be flogged for giggling, or worse yet caned for walking on the side of a street where infidels walk. How could you be so cold ?

  3. BobbyT, the Muslim culture, and its attending moral structure, has survived for at least 1700 years. Their code of conduct and system of social discipline, while abhorrent to us, is neither moral or amoral, just different.

    It's the western determination to remake the world in its own image that makes us the international pariahs that we have become. When we start respecting cultures different from our own, they will start respecting ours.

    Ed and his blog personify intolerance and so do you.

  4. A 1700 year survival does not make something right. Murder is immoral in all religions of this world. I do not believe a culture that is determined to control the world (Islam) will ever be tolerant of any other belief. I think the intolerance is on your part, by not seeing through the hypocrisy of this so called purification, as anything different than that of Hitler and his genocide. Muslims will only accept a person that follows all the rules of Allah. When all the infidels are gleaned they will move into other reasons to eliminate any person that might rebel against the machine. I hope and pray that you are defended by our military and allowed to die a natural death at the appropriate time, established in the begining, not at the hands of your Muslim friends.

  5. I am a firm believer in a live-and-let-live philosophy. If we stay out of their part of the world and leave them alone, they will leave us alone.

    We demand that they supply us with staggering amounts of their oil and any threat of interruption to the supply is a reason to invade. These people have been fighting and killing each other for thousands of years. To think that we can stop it by forcing democracy down their throats is beyond arrogant.

    The simple solution is to dramatically reduce our demand for oil and then we wouldn't have to care what happend over there...not to mention our reduction in carbon emissions.
