Sunday, February 11, 2007

Minimum wage vindication

For months I've been showing how raising the minimum wage is a political ploy by Democrats to make themselves appear to be compassionate and caring for poor people, but...

Chad Graham
The Arizona Republic
Feb. 10, 2007 12:00 AM

Oh, for the days when Arizona's high school students could roll pizza dough, sweep up sticky floors in theaters or scoop ice cream without worrying about ballot initiatives affecting their earning power.

That's certainly not the case under the state's new minimum-wage law that went into effect last month.

Some Valley employers, especially those in the food industry, say payroll budgets have risen so much that they're cutting hours, instituting hiring freezes and laying off employees. advertisement

And teens are among the first workers to go.

Why, it's almost as if what I've been saying (that increasing the minimum wage costs young workers their jobs) was right all along.


  1. Ed, you are a hater. Corporations can afford to pay their poorest employees a little more. Ever heard of the "living wage"?

    But why am I arguing with a white Republican? You have no sympathy for people who are less fortunate than you.

  2. Compassion and sympathy have nothing to do with what's wrong with the government injecting itself into the wage/labor market. The Constitution doesn't give the government the right to set wages. That's up to the employees to negotiate with the employers.

    Unconstitutionality is the problem with the federal minimum wage.
