Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The great hoax of our time....man-made global warming

If you want to see for yourself how delusional and loony the global warming crazies are, go on over to Conservation International and calculate your personal contribution to global warming using their handy dandy Personal Carbon Calculator.

I took the test which requires about 2 minutes and supposedly I'm responsible for emitting 1.91 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year--heh, heh. Predictably, it immediately asked for money.

It told me that I owed $191 dollars in order to purchase some stupid thing called "carbon offsets" in order to make myself carbon neutral.

The entire web site seems designed to make ordinary Americans feel guilty for being alive and on Earth, and then charge you for it. Liberals always make us feel guilty for living our lives so we won't complain too much when they take our money, ostensibly to pay for our transgressions.

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