Monday, January 08, 2007

War on Terror (with a Twist)

This weekend proved to be an interesting time for the war in Iraq. It appears that, until now, our country's disagreements have been handled after the need was dealt with. Stop the presses, but the congress and the president are about to take sides on the issues of this war.
President Bush is supposed to outline a new military plan for the Middle East. This will include a short term deployment of up to 20,000 additional troops. It appears that the new military brass is in line with this thinking. All feel that there needs to be a force to quell the insurgencies within the Baghdad region. The thinking appears to include these additional forces, more local Sunni involvement in all aspects of protection and in government, as well as the eventual removal of our troops after sufficient training for the local replacements.
Alas, Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic friends are starting to squawk and to strut around suggesting that they will withhold funds for the war. The funding is not broken out by line item, so if financial support is removed or is limited, the current ground forces will be left to do a job without adequate support and supplies. If this happens, the '08 elections could take an early and ugly turn for the Democrats. I may be wrong, but I feel that if American soldiers are dying because of inadequate funding or because of party politics, the populace will revolt and swiftly deal with the perpetrators. Lets watch this play out starting with the Presidential speech this Wednesday. The P-Lo-crats could make for an interesting winter. We'll see. More on this as it develops.


  1. The Democrats, drunk on their own newfound power, may just be that dumb, but I doubt it.

  2. Bush is as giddy as a school girl on prom night over the prospect of getting his alien amnesty bill through Congress. He'll do anything Nan and Harry tell him to regarding Iraq. What a schmuck!
