Thursday, January 04, 2007

Stupid is as stupid does

Just in case you were in doubt about the intelligence of residents of New Orleans, listen to this: Displaced Katrina refugees are trickling back to the Big Easy to rebuild their lost homes. The brilliant mayor Ray Nagin, ignoring advice from Army corp engineers, thinks it's a good idea to let them build anywhere they like. In places where it's practical, returning residents are being told to raise their new homes to above the level of flood waters during Katrina, kind of the way they do it at the beach. There are places in New Orleans which flooded by 20 feet or more. It's would be pure idiocy to rebuild a house in these areas...engineers rightly say these areas should be abandoned entirely. But determined Katrina refugees, not exactly known for acting with wisdom, insist on rebuilding their homes exactly as they existed prior to the hurricane.

Guess who's paying for all this construction? Remember these are helpless, not-smart-enough-to-save-themselves-from-a-cat5-hurricane, Katrina parasites...they aren't exactly America's best and brightest. Every American taxpayer is paying these morons to rebuild their homes in exactly the same place as before. Billions in taxpayer dollars are "flooding" into the Big Easy and they are making the same mistakes as before.

Tell me why a single cent of money seized from taxpayers should go to rebuild a city in a cereal bowl below sea-level? How abysmally stupid can a group of people be to re-expose themselves and their families to the threat of flooding again? It's not a matter of if, but of when another hurricane will flood New Orleans.

And we all know what will happen. Ray Nagin will cry and complain that not enough was done by white America to care for the poor, miserable have-nots in his chocolate city. The same people will be once again on their roofs waiting for somebody else to risk their life to save their miserable ones. If stupid people want to spend their own money to build in a known flood plain, fine, but my pay check shouldn't be seized to pay for it.

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