Thursday, January 04, 2007

Oprah's school for Africa

A lot of conservatives are criticizing Oprah for this...

Billionaire talk show host Oprah Winfrey opened her new school for poor girls this week in South Africa. Winfrey hopes the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy will empower the young students to be the country's leaders of tomorrow.

People are asking, "Why doesn't she build a girl's school here in America where we have poor people too?" I don't have a problem with her building a school in Africa. Nobody can argue that there is much need in Africa for girls to be afforded opportunities to improve their lives, and America's poor are among the most priviledged poor in the world. Our poor live better than most middle class families in other countries. There are opportunities here in America for anybody who is motivated enough to reach out and grab them. But the biggest reason for Oprah to have built a girl's school in South Africa is because it's her money and she can spend it where she wants. We conservatives don't like for liberals to guilt us into spending our money on kooky environmental things, or programs to give aid to the undeserving, or some other liberal pet programs, and we shouldn't tell Oprah where she should spend her money. She's an ingorant, kooky liberal but she has the right to spend her money in any way she wishes.

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