Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The new pillory

Of all the stupid, depraved things that Hollywood and media liberals do, it's the smug self-righteousness in which they wallow as they revel in each other's misery...phony misery that they caused themselves...that makes me sick.

ET has confirmed that embattled "Grey's Anatomy" star ISAIAH WASHINGTON has begun counseling for an anti-gay slur he made during last week's Golden Globes awards and on the set of his hit ABC show.

So now if you say something unpleasant, the Thought and Speech Police insist you undergo a counseling intervention and reprogramming so that your opinions are the correct ones. The sick think about this isn't that Washington is seeking help. It's that he is forced to seek help so that the delicate, sensitive liberals he offended can feel righteous and morally superior. It's the modern equivalent of the pillory. Washington has to stand in the public square and let his colleagues throw rotten fruit at him. Only then, having been right and properly chastised, will they allow him to exist among them again. The self-assigned, moral superiority of Hollywood liberals that disgusts me.

A simple apology is never good enough for liberals. There isn't enough public groveling and self-flaggelation involved. Ironically, Hollywood liberals, the most morally vacant of Americans, are the very people who demand thought and speech offenders like Washington lay prostrate before them, and beg for forgiveness. He really only owes one person an apology.

I don't think it was OK for Isaiah Washington to call T.R. Knight a "fag", but I have less respect for Knight if it was him for whom a simple apology wasn't enough.


  1. So much for freedom of speech. I agree that it is wrong for anyone to be slandered, but if it is true, then isn't not slander or libel? Little chidren tattling to mommy is all the liberals know how to do. If I were Isiah Washington, I would tell them to shove it, its over move on.

  2. Just once I'd like to see a Hollywood personality do exactly that. Apologize to the offended person for whatever the transgression, and then tell everybody to mind their own business.
