Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Gang war in LA

Racial Hate Feeds a Gang War’s Senseless Killing

Apparently there is a violent turf war going on in Los Angeles between rival black and Hispanic gangs. Ordinarily I would say get out of the way and let them kill each other off. Gangs offer nothing good for society so it's preferable that they kill one another. That being said, they are killing innocent civilians who just happen to have the same skin color as the other gang.

This is what happens when the neighborhoods of disaffected, angry, black, gangster-rap youths are encroached upon by unassimilated, unemployable, Hispanic thugs. Both gangs are probably trying to stake out turf in which to sell drugs.

Other than rounding all gang members up and shooting them, there are no short-term solutions. Unfortunately, I'm not sure there are any long-term solutions either.

My advice: If you live in a gang-infested neighborhood...get out! What else is there?

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