Monday, January 08, 2007

Dumb liberals

Here's what dumb liberals in Nancy Pelosi's district in California do for fun...

Those letters are supposed to be 100 feet tall so this worthwhile project would take like 2000 dumb liberals.

Dumb liberals gathering to accomplish absolutely nothing = Typical

Getting 2000 dumb liberals and their hybrid cars off the streets and out of everybody's way = Useful

A tsunami washing ashore at this precise moment = Delightful

If you want to see a complete picture account of the demonstration, head on over to and check it out. There you'll see the most pathetic collection of liberal, California dumb-hippie types since the '04 Democratic National Convention.


  1. What does IMPEACHI mean? Dumb liberals can't spell either.

  2. I think that's an exclamation mark.

    It threw me too for a while.

  3. Thanks, my english isn't the best, but I feel sure that the word impeach cant be an exclamation when spelled out by a thousand left-coast libs.
