Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Democrat smear machine

JERUSALEM — Israeli President Moshe Katsav asked parliament on Wednesday to temporarily remove him from office after Israel's attorney general recommended that he be indicted on rape and other charges, according to parliamentary spokesman Giora Pordes.

Too bad Bill Clinton didn't have the decency to step down after he was accused of rape, and/or sexual battery, by no less than four women. President Katsav needs a smear machine like the Clinton's, and willing accomplices in the media, so he can befoul his accusers and force them to go away in worked for Bill.

1 comment:

  1. While this gu may/may not be guilty, I think he exudes charachter and class in the way he his handling this situation. While vowing to fight these allegations, Katsav shows an applomb and and ability to handle a situation in a crisis. He removed himself so he could be tried for a crime he states he didn't commit. Remarkable and very classy. Can he run for President in 08?
