Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Dem batting order for '08...heh, heh!

Check out the new straw poll going on over at the DemocraticUnderground...snicker, snicker.

Poll result (170 votes)

Clark 34%
Edwards 17%
Gore 16%
Kucinich 11%
Obama 11%
Kerry 7%
Clinton 3%
Vilsack 1%
Dodd 1%
Biden 1%

The sampling was not scientific and rather small but the results are noteworthy nonetheless. First and most obvious is that Hillary is getting 3% from the vital liberal base she desperately needs in order to win. Polls like this will force her to move way to the left in order to shore up the wacky lib base. Second, how can a nutjob like Dennis "the menace" Kucinich get 11% of any poll? That says a lot about the nutty left base. Third, seriously, are the Dems thinking of recycling Gore and Kerry? Gore says he's not running and Lurch is an idiot. So two guys who have no hope of winning get 4 times Hillary's percentage? Fourth, Wesley Clark is popular right now only because he's a former General trying to appeal to the base by bashing his former boss, GWB. When it comes down to brass tacks, the left base will abandon him. Fifth, that leaves the Breck girl to top the poll as the only viable candidate to get more than 1%. I really don't see his appeal, even to dumb liberals. He's an effiminate, tort lawyer who fleeced dumb juries into giving him a multi-million dollar fortune by sueing perfectly competent OB/GYN's out of work. His record is about as thin as Obama's. I mean what has he done besides not deliver the South for Kerry?

As weak as the Republican ticket will undoubtedly be, the Democrats have their own problems to solve.

1 comment:

  1. Regardless of how this turns out, it will be interesting to see how the spin doctors handle objections to Sen. Obama as a candidate. I feel that many Americans- Patty Sheehan included will not vote for a man with an Arabic surname in the short term forseable future. Maybe this is prejudicial on my part, but I just could not bring myself to vote for this way right now.
