Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Dark Ages in the 21st Century

Iraqi Shiites mark the Ashoura, the tenth day of Muharram when Imam Hussein was killed in the Battle of Karbala in the year 680, in Basra. These men are flogging themselves in remembrance of the Imam.

With the notable exception of the Israelis, what do the people(Muslims) of the middle east contribute to the world? Let's make a list:

1. Mayhem
2. Death
3. Theatrical blood rituals
4. Dead civilians
5. Genocide
6. Terror
7. Rape is OK
8. Beheadings on film
9. Torture
10. Abject poverty
11. Hopelessness
12. Despair
13. Misery
14. Ignorance
15. Destruction

If anybody can name a single invention, medicine, art-form, economic or political system, scientific discovery, or any societal improvement that originated in the middle east, lay it on me because I don't think there are any.


  1. My god, your ignorance and lack of knowledge is simply beyond belief.

    Being an ultra rightist is of course your right, but to seriously question if there’s ”a single invention, medicine, art-form, economic or political system, scientific discovery, or any societal improvement that originated in the middle east” – well, let’s put it this way: I find it very hard to believe you actually work in science an research as you state.

    Instead of creating a list (it would be long), I simply quote from Wikipedia - which to you probably is a communist-socialist-muslim-liberal(*) thing – but never the less:

    “The Middle East (specifically, the Fertile Crescent) was one of the first centers of agriculture (see history of agriculture), and therefore of civilization.”

    Then you can take it from there (pun not intended).

    PS: If you want to take a shortcut, try these:


    PS2: No, I’m not from or have any connection to the above mentioned area, and I'm definitely not a fan. But I’m not stupid.

    (*) adjective
    - open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values

    - favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedom

    - (in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform

  2. Having an open mind, I consulted Wikipedia and here are the highlights of the historical world contributions from Muslims...

    Farming? That's your best example for a Muslim contribution to the world? Like the world wouldn't have figured that out anyway. What is the primary cash crop in the Muslim world today? OPIUM! World-wide heroin addiction is the hallmark agricultural contribution of Islam....something to be proud of.

    The parachute in the 9th Century? OK, that's cool but what happened since then in terms of flight?

    Coffee? Saying the Muslims invented coffee is like saying the Pilgrims invented corn on the cob. Nice try.

    Gardens -11th Century places of meditation and peaceful reflection. Not so fast. There is ample evidence of meditation gardens in Asia as far back as 2000BC.

    Look Phil, I'll concede that there might be the odd discovery or inovation from the Muslims here and there, but to have been the "cradle of civilization", there is an astonishing shortage of progress in that part of the world. They've been too obsessed since about 300AD with slaying infidels, subjugating women, and conquering the dhimmi world to move forward and out of the dark ages as a culture and a civilization.

  3. I notice you skipped checking the 1001inventions link?

  4. No, I checked it...and read most of it. It sounds like a recital of most of the advancements that all civilizations make sooner or later.

    It very well might be the case that the Muslims invented something that changed the whole world, like manned powered flight or the internal combustion engine, but I haven't heard about it yet...not in the past 1200 years at least.
