Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The back of the bus

I guess this is going to be Race-Day at TRR. It's kind of ironic that the Congressional Black Caucus would black-ball a white congressman who represents a majority black community, solely because of his skin color...but then they are all Democrats so what else besides double-standards would you expect?

Freshman Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, D-Tenn., is not joining the Congressional Black Caucus after several current and former members made it clear that a white lawmaker was not welcome.

"I think they're real happy I'm not going to join," said Cohen, who succeeded Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn., in a majority-black Memphis district. "It's their caucus and they do things their way. You don't force your way in. You need to be invited."

Cohen said he became convinced that joining the caucus would be "a social faux pas" after seeing news reports that former Rep. William Lacy Clay Sr., D-Mo., a co-founder of the caucus, had circulated a memo telling members it was "critical" that the group remain "exclusively African- American."

Other members, including the new chairwoman, Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich., and Clay's son, Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., agreed.

"Mr. Cohen asked for admission, and he got his answer. ... It's time to move on," the younger Clay said. "It's an unwritten rule. It's understood. It's clear."

What is the purpose of the CBC if not to assist these black representatives to better advance the interests of their constituencies? All representative Cohen wants to do is be a part of the mechanism of representation his constituency deserves. He should pitch a hissy fit over this and make the race-baiters defend not letting him in the club because if his skin color.

I hate to be the one who points this out but, this is yet another example of black leaders demanding from white society that they be viewed as equals regardless of race, while setting themselves apart based precisely on race.

If you challenge a black person on any basis in this country, you are automatically accused of being a racist.....I guess this post makes me a racist.


  1. I don't think you're outright racists but this blog does come across sometimes as being slightly hostile to people who aren't WASP's. It seems like most of your criticisms are directed toward Katrina victims, immigrants, and Islam---all people of color.

  2. There's a dark side of human nature, commonly demonstrated in youth gangs, that is attracted to membership in a group from which most are excluded. There is human comfort in belonging to a group that is bigger and more important than you are. It can be healthy or unhealthy depending on the group activities, but it's the group association that is important to members.

  3. BillB: You again take the low road. There are and were many white "Katrina Victims". I know some. There are white immigrants and white Islamics. I only see you reading between the lines and coming upwith a racial issue here.
    The truth is that if a CWC ( Congressional White Caucas had ever been formed, the outrage would have been tremendous. There is a Miss America pagent (it allows all races to participate), however there is a Miss Black America pageant as well, it is only for Blacks. No problems from any other sector of society, but it is still there. One does not need or warrant special treatment because of a skin coloring. We must just recognize that racism exists and is a two-way street. Until our whole society starts thinking a new way, then it will still be there. We can stay mired in this race-muck, or we can start to do something about it 1 person at a time. God created all people, not just part of the crowd inhabiting the planet. If we understand that, then it is easy to accept people from all colors and to avoid being prejudicial by appearance.

  4. BillB: You again take the low road.

    Defending the less fortunate, the immigrants who just want a better life, and peaceful Muslims isn't taking the low road. The victims of Katrina were mostly blacks without the means of reclaiming their lives like your white friends.
