Monday, December 11, 2006

Pulling back the curtain on the wizard

Now they're killing each other's kids?

Gunmen in Gaza City have shot dead the three sons(ages 6-10) of an intelligence chief linked to the Palestinian party Fatah.
One adult was also killed in the attack which took place in a street crowded with children on their way to school.
The boys' father was named as Baha Balousheh, who led a crackdown on the now-ruling Hamas movement 10 years ago.
The BBC's Alan Johnston in Gaza says the motive is unclear but Mr Balousheh's position means he would have made many enemies.
Tensions between Fatah and the Hamas government have frequently led to gun battles in the streets of Gaza that have killed dozens of people.
And according to the ISG Report, James Baker thinks we should sit down with child-murdering terrorists like these guys and establish some kind of 80's-style dialogue, and that will solve the problems in the middle east? You don't sit down with terrorists. You don't sit down with terror states like North Korea, Iran, and Syria. You destroy them, either economically or militarily.
ISG stands for Iraq Study Group, but many of the 79 proposals deal with middle east stability in general. Isn't it curious how James Baker's recommendations in the ISG Report mirror very closely the regional goals of the Saudi's? Few realize that James Baker has been the Saudi's #1 lobbyist in Washington for the last 10 years.
Let the Fatah, Hezbollah, and Hamas terrorist groups handle their own business. We don't need to be involved. Iraq is a big enough problem for us itself.

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