Thursday, December 14, 2006

Potential power shift in the Senate

The news that Sen. Tim Johnson (D) South Dakota was gravely ill and in brain surgery sent shock waves through Washington yesterday and this morning. In a ghoulish display of insensitivity, partisans of both parties reckoned how the possibility of his inability to hold office might affect them personally.

Of course if he cannot serve, the Republican governor of South Dakota will appoint a Republican to take his place, shifting the power back to the Republicans in the Senate. (the balance is now D-51 R-49, another R would make the balance 50/50 with Dick Cheney breaking any ties.)

I sincerely hope that Tim Johnson recovers and can serve out his term to '08. That being said, the Republicans desertion of conservatism renders them undeserving of power but, it would be hilarious to me, to see Harry Reid have to move out of his new Senate office even before the new paint has dried.

We will be treated to more wailing and gnashing of teeth from Senate democrats than we've ever witnessed before. They'll demand that the SD governor appoint a democrat because that's what the people voted for. Sadly for them, and happily for us, S.D. law doesn't say anything about who the governor has to appoint...he can appoint anybody he wants.

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