Saturday, December 09, 2006

Man-made global warming believers are dumb, and now it's official

It's about time a conservative in Washington quit cow-towing to the dumb enviromentalist wackos, and said what all rational, thinking people know, that is, man-made global warming is a myth perpetrated by anti-capitalists who hate America...

Washington D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), the outgoing Chairman of Environment & Public Works Committee, is pleased to announce the public release of the Senate Committee published booklet entitled “A Skeptic’s Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism. Hot & Cold Media Spin Cycle: A Challenge To Journalists who Cover Global Warming.”

Click here to download the "Skeptic's Guide" (]

I downloaded this book into Acrobat Reader and it makes for very satisfying reading, that is unless you buy all the AlGore, the-sky-is-falling crap about man's activities destroying the Earth. Inhofe says what George Bush and other self-proclaimed conservatives should have been saying all along. Seriously, check it out.

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