Monday, December 04, 2006

A cryin' shame

After all the weak, incompetent appointments Bush has made, he finally got one right in John Bolton over at the disaster known as the United Nations. Then this...

President Bush surrendered to congressional foes yesterday in his fight to install John R. Bolton as permanent ambassador to the United Nations, a harbinger of how the political world has changed since Democrats captured both houses of Congress.
The dreadful U.N. has done nothing worthwhile in it's entire one! The corruption at the U.N is singular in it's depravity, and the collection of theives and America-hating despots that suck at the teat of the American taxpayer daily, has no equal in it's incompetence and loathsomness.
That Bush rolled over so easily is a testament to his own incompetence and unwillingness to stand up for a good man and call a spade a spade. The Democrats hated John Bolton because he held the U.N. to some standard of ethical behavior. Democrats, like John Kerry, would cede American sovereignty to the U.N. because it fits in their world view of a one-world government. Bush may not have had the votes to keep Bolton, but he sure could have told the American people why he didn't have the votes...because the Democrats are vermin, interested only in the acquisition of political power and the destruction of political foes, like John Bolton.
You watch, Bush will nominate some "Mike Brown" weenie type of whom SanFranNan approves to the U.N. and it'll be business as usual....demanding more tax-payer money from the U.S., condemning the U.S. no matter what it does, condemning Israel no matter what it does, and raping and pillaging every third-world rat hole they occupy.
Remind me again why we're in the U.N.

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