Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dumb liberal of the week

The oft skewered Cindy Sheehan, tired of her protests being ingnored in the U.S., traveled across the big pond to protest with other smelly hippies in South Korea this week. The U.S. wants to expand the number of U.S. bases there in the face of looming threats to our close ally by the communist North Koreans.

Look at this picture and see if something is amiss. Is there anything sadder than dumb-hippie protesters who can't spell their own protest signs?


  1. "Is there anything sadder than dumb-hippie protesters who can't spell their own protest signs?"

    Must be the president having to admit there was no weapons of mass destruction or Bin Laden-link.

  2. Or possibly the myopic, Bush-hating liberal who thinks that the only reasons for Iraq were WMD and Bin Laden.
