Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Who cares?

Mexico is desperate to keep their poverty flowing north and our dollars flowing south...

PARIS -- Mexico's foreign secretary said Monday the country may take a dispute over U.S. plans to build a fence on the Mexican border to the United Nations.

Luis Ernesto Derbez told reporters in Paris, his first stop on a European tour, that a legal investigation was under way to determine whether Mexico has a case.

Our government's first and only priority is to defend the country from threats both foreign and domestic, and if 10million unassimilated, indigents flowing across our border doesn't constitute an invasion, I don't know what does. We should not care one bit what the U.N. thinks. They hate us anyway. We should build the fence along the entire southern border and then negotiate with Mexico about some idiotic worker program from a position strength.

The U.N. --- gimme a break!

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