Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What's a dog to do?

By popular demand (actually just Reid) I want to open a thread for SEC football opinion. I'll start it off...

First the Dogs -- I realize there's a QB problem at Georgia, but explain the league-leading 22 dropped passes, the inability of small-armed defensive backs to make open-field tackles or correct reads, the miserable protection offered by the O-line, or the disastrous play selections in critical situations( throwing in the flat for 4 yards on third and 13)??? No wonder Georgia and Mark Richt are the most disappointing team and coach respectively in the SEC. How does one lose to Vanderbilt? How does one barely manage to beat Ole Miss and Miss St.? How hot will his seat be when Richt loses the next three out of four games...Florida(L), Kentucky(who knows?), Auburn(L), GaTech(L). That'll be 5 losses on the season and another trip to the Poulan-Weedeater Independence Bowl...does that bowl even exist anymore? If we lose 5, we should do the honorable thing and not accept any bowl invitation.

Florida -- I used to enjoy my hatred for Florida when Spurrier was there but now it's just empty, unsatisfying hatred.

Bama -- The Tide will never achieve greatness as long as fans insist on having a Bear protoge' for coach. There are no more Bear protoge's. Shula wasn't really an attractive coach when they hired him, he was simply the only guy still in football who had ties to Bear Bryant. Clinging to a dead guy for 25 years is a pitiful strategy for running a big-time SEC football program.

Auburn -- It's my favorite game of the year. I like Auburn except when they play Georgia and even then I can enjoy watching the game with Tiger fans. In my experience, Auburn and Georgia fans don't hate each other, we just enjoy the rivalry. Georgia fans hate Florida and Tennessee. We're ambivalent about Bama, we don't play them enough.

LSU -- Jemarcus Russell is not as good as everybody thinks he is. The draft will show that.

Kentucky, Vanderbilt, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Miss St., SC -- who cares? They're second teir SEC teams and their respective situations matter not to anybody but the fans unfortunate enough to have attended school there.

Consider this an open thread to discuss any SEC topic you wish. If we get a lot if input, I'll repost the comments in their entirety each Wednesday leading up to Saturday's games.


  1. We have now found the "hot" topic for disscusion. Weighing in as follows:
    SEC Bottom Feeders: All suck. Some of these programs probably need to quit football and concentrate their money on minor sports. Now that I have said this, Ole Miss will beat Auburn this Saturday.

    Florida: The communists of the SEC. Urban Meyer - I wish Spurrier were back. This whine box of a coach, has started recruiting thugs and talent only athletes. No care at all for the scholar side. I hope he goes somewhere else and quickly. Loved the throw back jersey and helmets and wish they would go back to them. I did notice that Alabama also wore their throw back uniforms that day as well, they have also worn them at all games since and prior to that day. Nice.
    Knox-Vegas: Hillbillies and bitin dogs. No self respecting human should be forced to endure a football game (especially a TV game)at that place - ever. Horrible seating. Outside of that, they are the reason God made Oklahoma. The big O is still a decent team with talent and a loathsome attitude. After beating lowly UA these guys paraded around as if they had won the National Championship. If they play a decent team, they will be beaten.
    Aub's: Brandon Cox has a slower release than a Jeffery Dahmer embrace. They have so many injuries, they resemble a MASH unit. Ears has his hands full, and will rue the day when this #$%#@ started. He will eventually be run out on a rail. He has accumulated some great asst. coaches tho. They make him look good. If Shula were smart (big If) he would try to mimic this success, and hire a decent aide. He has none now.

    UGA: Dogs have fleas and these dogs are no exception. They spend to much time scratching and not enough time playing. Coach R is in the midst of a major problem. He shortly will be eligble to collect unemployment in Shreveport. He needs to remember that the train tracks are right next to the stadium, and these Lewis Grizzardites will not hesitate to send him in a boxcar. Most still haven't sobered since the Grizard funeral.

    We do not need to get down to level of discussing the pathetic ACC or even worse the woefull Conference USA.

    As bad as we see the SEC day in and day out, it is still the premere football conference in America- none even close. Yes OSU, USC, Mich are good teams, but all play in weak sister conferences, where a team has to win 1 game a year to win tits championship. Here in the deep south, every Saturday their are potential upsets, and these boys know how to play. How many teams are boasting an Alabama high schooler on the roster around the country? A bunch. Now, how many hail from OHIO that have a scholarship anywhere other than OSU , Kent and Ohoi U? Maybe 2.
    Enjoy this season and the ones to come. Soon that evil islamic led NCAA will destroy the great American pastime. Ok sex in the back seat of a car will still be the great American pastime, but you understand .

  2. UAB needs two things...a better coach, and it's own stadium. Thousands would attend this D1 game every Saturday but for the life-risking trip to west Birmingham. With scholarship limitations, small D1 schools have shots at legitimate talent and UAB would get it's share...if it had a better coach and a better venue. Too bad the city of B'ham and UAB are so incestuously entwined.

  3. I don't know how the program makes money. It's typically the football program that supports all other Title-9 mandated spots programs.

    Why don't they just play at the Met like Hoover High Scool does for a big game? Lots of people would attend the games out there.

    If the round-ball team fails to impress this year, I think you're right in predicting the greater athaletic program's general decline due to lack of interest.
