Monday, October 23, 2006

Slam of the day!

Hillary better get used to this...

On Friday night, Hillary Clinton finally had to face an unscripted, uncontrolled media event — a debate with her feisty opponent John Spencer, the Republican candidate for Senator from New York this year.

Spencer pinned her ears back with his opening statement when he declared:
"I am the only person here who really wants to be the Senator from
New York . . . she wants to be President."
And then he exploited the opening by reminding Hillary "you're not the President yet."

Hillary's not used to taking questions and challenges from anybody. She always has friendly members of the press to toss her softball questions she can hit out of the park, and she never does interviews unless it's scripted and she knows the questions in advance. She cannot control the media in a two-year presidential election run up and the challenging questions and debates will expose her as the craven, power-hungry, empty suit she is.

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