Monday, October 30, 2006


Just in case you were considering one of those very attractive private-parts piercings, you might want to read this first...

CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. (AP) - A teenager who decided to get her breasts pierced for her 18th birthday faces reconstructive surgery after a flesh-destroying infection forced doctors to remove her left breast.
Stephanie Edington of Crawfordsville remained hospitalized Friday at the Indiana University Medical Center in Indianapolis, where surgeons also removed lymph nodes and infected skin up to her collar bone.

Now I'll have to admit there's something vaguely appealing and exotic about adornment piercings on the right person, but seriously, what's the point given the pain and risk involved? I just don't get the current piercing and tattoo rage. What does it prove? Somebody enlighten me.

Oh, and hope your daughter doesn't bring this guy home.

1 comment:

  1. My neighbor's teenage daughter dated a guy who had a bunch of facial piercings, and my other neighbor called him "tacklebox" to his face whenever he came over, because he looked like he fell face-first into one.

    You guys who have daughters have an extra trying burden to bear. I don't envy your job.
