Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dumb-looking criminal

This is the funniest mug-shot I've ever seen...

A Hamilton County man was indicted on rape charges. The grand jury says Jamie Blair knowingly raped a woman in June of last year.

What kind of charge is "knowingly raped"? Is that as opposed to "mistakenly raped"?

Look at this guy -- "knowingly" is probably not a word often used in association with Mr Blair.


  1. Has he already sat in the electric chair?

  2. I can see the lawyer now, "Mr.Blair did not knowingly rape the woman, but accidentaly raped her while trying to make his way to the restroom..." seriously, I don't think Mr. Blair will get off but of course he'll still pay a fortune for a good lawyer and the lawyer will walk off rich having done nothing for his client except maybe extend his prison time because the jury just thought he was stupid... and quite frankly they were right.

  3. Yeah, I almost feel sorry for Mr. Blair. The "system" has not been kind to him.

  4. Well first off don't talk s*** about someone you know damn sure don't know nothing about for 2 I didn't get convicted of s*** it was proved that I didn't do a damn thing it was all he said she said bullshit the female wanted me to have sex with her but I refuse not to because I wasn't into her so she made a big ass lies I've got natural curly hair so when it grows out I look like a God damn Chia Pet but it makes me laugh my ass off of the ignorance of this dumbass morons that left comments on my shit the look on my damn face was because I was in fucking shock over being accused of raping someone I have never in my f****** life rape or forced anyone to do anything they did not want to do pussy is not that important to take it from someone like that my freedoms more important to me I have never ever ever ever ever ever ever and in this lifetime or the next will ever rape somebody and at that time I could pick up the phone and call anybody I wanted to fuck because they're more mature than that but I am here to tell you that was a horrible time in my life but I got through it and I didn't pay the damn lawyer I had a court-appointed lawyer and won my case so for you three morons that put your comment on my post with my photo you don't know a damn thing about me so it's best thing if you just kept your damn mouth shut keep your damn opinions to yourself because all y'all probably do that suck dick for beer money anyway but until you know me maybe you can say something until then keep your f****** mouth shut because if you were in my face right now I probably make you eat your f****** teeth for talking b******* about something you know nothing about....... and yes I still have crazy hair and I f****** love it and if you don't then don't download because I live my life is not giving a damn what anyone thinks of me I'm only here to live my life and live it for the Lord and then one day meet him until then y'all can all kiss my ass in the meantime I have no problems getting pussy I promise you that so I have to not force anyone into doing something they do not want to do because I damn sure don't want nobody to make me do something I don't want to do so whiny f****** hell would I do that to someone else that is wrong and I would never do that because that is not who I am by no stretch of the Damned means I am allergic to dumb and ignorant f****** people so Know Your Role before you open your hole and speak b******* you know nothing about and this is coming from Jamie Lee Blair and if you don't like what I got to say well that's your f****** problem not mine...... an FYI I have more proof from day one then they have the whole damn time it went on it's called Little Bitch did it for attention bottom line........ now that proving my innocence I have a restraining order out on her for 200 yards that she is not supposed to be anywhere in the vicinity of where I am....... because I do not or cannot stand someone that makes up false allegations against me over something that they wanted attention over that I wasn't giving them because I'm not into little bratty ass b******.........

  5. Well I get here from the ignorant f****** people that posted this it's the funniest you ever seen mother f***** have you not ever seen anybody in shock before and if you were in front of me I would hit you so f****** hard your unborn children would feel it

  6. And I Jamie Lee Blair I'm here to tell anyone else that reads this dumb ass s*** that I have not or will not ever in my lifetime force or rape anyone ever I do not think or live my life that way I can get willingly pussy from just about anywhere I do not have to take it from no one.......... but this post really pisses me off because they talk s*** about something they know a f****** thing about yes I got picked up and arrested for false allegations something that I did not even do and I was proved to be innocent...........

  7. And for one I am not dumb by no stretch of the means and for two I'm not a damn Criminal so for the editor that posted this you can go f*** yourself you probably look like some f****** child molester or some kind of queer to talk s*** about someone that you have no idea anything about so you can suck nigger dick I find the words that you spoke about me is discriminating and a violation of a constitutional of my rights to talk crap about me when you don't even know a damn thing about me..........
