Saturday, September 02, 2006

Let me begin this post, on my wife's advice, with a disclaimer: I am not now, nor have I ever been a communist sympathasizer. Having said that, considering the rampant liberal activism that infects many American courts, this story sort of caught my eye...

8 men fined after friend drinks himself to death
China court: Pals made man drink too much, must pay $25,000 to parents

BEIJING - A Chinese court has ordered a group of eight friends to pay compensation after a guest they made drink too much collapsed and died, state media said on Friday.
The 20-year-old man, Luo Xiaoming, drank too much brandy and spirits at a family banquet over Chinese New Year in the eastern province of Zhejiang, Xinhua news agency said.
“The court’s autopsy report showed that Luo, who was a company security guard, died of alcohol poisoning. Completely drunk, he vomited and then suffocated,” Xinhua said.
His parents sued the friends for 200,000 yuan ($25,140) compensation, “but the court considered the amount excessive, saying that adults must use common sense on festive occasions.”
The court ordered the friends to pay 35,192 yuan instead and found them to blame for making Luo drink too much, it said.

Well what do you know? The communists, citing "common sense", actually reduced the award amount to something reasonably in line with the offenders' actions. I hate to hold up the evil commies as a shining example of proper jurisprudence, but the U.S. courts should get a clue and use the "common sense" standard as a means of assigning liability and compensation in this country. The difference is that China doesn't have way out of control lawyers who game the system to squeeze every penny from every defendent regardless of liability.

In case, like me, you were looking for a reason to vote conservative in the upcoming elections('06 and '08), the need for a federally appointed, conservative judiciary should suffice. The neocons aren't doing much to advance the ideas of traditional conservatism these days to the point that it's difficult to distinguish between the two parties. The one thing I believe you can count on Republicans for however, is the appointment of good conservative judges.

Maybe this judge in China is a closet Republican...think we could get him to immigrate? We could use some common sense on the bench.


  1. It's weird how this story hit me, because I found out yesterday, that the son of friend died in Tuscaloosa Saturday night apparently drinking too much (possibly mixed with drugs). I am saddened by both deaths, but am appauled at the friends in both situations that obviously promoted this behavior. I think it is time for all of us to take alook at the decadence of our younger aged folks and try to steer some of them to have a future, instaed of the above alternative. I spent my saturday at my colllege's game and felt like I was attending a giant Animal House party. Beer was rampant. It was so bad that I watched young men sitting in lawn chairs viciously yelling at all passersby. Where hace these people come up with this piss poor attitude? It's time for a change.

    Not my standard fare, but I feel better after railing at the world from this soap box.

  2. It is indeed scary to watch these otherwise good kids do something so incredibly stupid. The new thing to achieve altered states apparently is to take pain-killer patches(used only in extreme cases of discomfort like chemotherapy or other painful inflictions) and cut the patch in half. You put one half on your skin as normal for a timed release dose, but the other you place under your tongue for an immediate high.

    Apparently the immediate dose dangerously depressed this kids respiratory function and the skin dose prolonged it to the point that he couldn't be revived.

    Whether you choose to admit it or not, there is the pressure of drug use at every high-school and college. Pretending it doesn't exist, or that your child would never do such a thing, only makes your kid more vulnerable to the pressure.

    I'm going to scare the crap out of my kid with every story I hear like this, and hope it's enough to convince him never to try something like this kid in Tuscaloosa.

  3. Or Florida, or Tennessee for that matter.
