Monday, September 04, 2006

Hillary lands the coveted air-head endorsement

Would somebody please tell me in whose sycophantic world does this rate as news?...

Janet Jackson backs Hillary Clinton for White HouseSep 04 10:39 AM US/Eastern

US pop superstar Janet Jackson hopes Hillary Clinton will become the first woman president of the United States.
"Hillary Clinton as president -- that would be great," Jackson said in an interview with German press agency DPA Monday. "Then she could show all those people who wouldn't trust a woman with such a job."

Jackson, who is currently promoting her new album "20 Y.O.", declined to criticise US President George W. Bush directly, saying only: "I am not satisfied with the situation in this world. I hate war!

What is she yammering about? Liberals aren't the only political group to be in favor of a female President. Every conservative I know would love to have a woman be the President. Where does she think all the support for a Condi Rice nomination come from? Blacks? Nope. The three members of NOW? Nope. It comes from conservatives from every walk of life. Nobody thinks a woman can't do the job...but it has to be the right woman. And the right woman certainly is not Hillary.

JJ is nothing if not a ditsy, vapid, irrelevant air-head. And to save my own life I cannot figure out why her endorsement of HRC counts as newsworthy. Now if she choreographed another wardrobe malfunction at the democratic convention(for which she is shamelessly lobbying here)...that would be worth a write-up.


  1. Lets just hope that Hillary doesn't have a wardrobe malfunction. That would be grotesque, and arguably cruel and unusual punishment.
