Friday, September 08, 2006

File under..."Lost Causes"

Who couldn't have predicted this outcome?

FRONTERA, Calif. (AP) - Leslie Van Houten, the former Charles Manson follower convicted of taking part in a murderous rampage that terrorized Los Angeles 37 years ago, was denied parole Thursday for a 16th time.

Well, when you accompany the single most famous mass murderer in American history on a killing spree that included a pregnant woman, chances are you won't see the light of day except on your one hour out of every 24 when they let you out of "the hole".

"But Ed", you whine, "where's the legal justice? People commit much worse crimes in this country, serve their time, and then are released back into society. Shouldn't we give her a chance to prove that she's rehabilitated and no longer a threat to her fellow citizens."

No argument here as to the unfair justice that our legal system occasionally doles out. That being said there are certain crimes so horrific and shocking that they transcend the commission of the crime itself, and take on a life of their own in the American psyche. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. The Manson murders fit that description perfectly and nobody remotely associated with the killings will ever step foot outside prison. There are plenty of Americans who've committed far worse crimes who will walk at some point but not this bunch.

John Hinkley, who shot an American President, has a better chance of getting out than do associates of Charles Manson.

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