Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dumb celebrity of the week

In terms of the economic impact alone, this may rank as one of the all-time stupidest statements from an entertainer...and there have been many...

Pop star Beyonce Knowles has sparked controversy by saying she only makes records for black people.

Since the Deja Vu singer made the astonishing statement sales of her new album, B'Day, have fallen by 70 per cent in the US.

Beyonce, 25, said in an interview with Blender magazine: "I make black records. I write records like I speak, and I don't try to change my songs so everyone else likes them."

Did she learn nothing from the Dixie Chicks, who since their idiotic remarks about George Bush, couldn't sell out a concert if they performed naked?

These entertainers crack me up thinking that they can say the stupidest things and the public will continue like lemmings over a cliff, buying their products.

Watch, now she'll come out with a whining statement about how fans refusing to buy her stupid CD's amounts to censorship, or something equally moronic about being taken out of context.


  1. If the quoted line is true, good for her. At least she's honest but it will probably affect sales of her material.

    I don't think her statement is perfectly analogous to the Dixie Twits situation.

    But I wouldn't purchase material from either one of them.

    I will admit the idea of a nude Dixie Chick concert caused me to imagine only if for a moment.

  2. My point was that entertainers wrongly think that their music/acting/comedy/whatever is wholly separate from them as individuals, and that somehow no matter what political, or in this case cultural, positions they take, we as their fans cannot refuse to buy their "art" on that basis, or we are guilty of censorship and intolerance and we are haters of free speech. We heard it from the DCs and I'll put money on hearing it soon from BK.

  3. It's like that stupid FUBU clothing. For Us By Us -- why would you eliminate, on racial grounds, half of your potential market?

  4. I always thought that was the clothing line for that dog on the end of the tv shows where the guy says sit fubu sit

  5. I always thought he said, "sit ubu".

    Besides, I think the mentality is to co-opt something for their own that was previously perceived by them as being unavailable, the posession of which, therefor, qualifies as a status symbol...BMW, TOMMY HILFIGER, etc.
