Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Frankly, I'm getting a bit tired of ranting about this. When are Western cultures going to stand up to the Islamic jihadists?

BERLIN - A leading opera house canceled a 3-year-old production of Mozart's "Idomeneo" that included a scene showing the severed head of the Prophet Muhammad, unleashing a furious debate over free speech.
In a statement late Monday, the Deutsche Oper said it decided "with great regret" to cancel the production of the 225-year-old opera after Berlin security officials warned of an "incalculable risk" stemming from the scene.
After its premiere in 2003, the production by Hans Neuenfels drew widespread criticism over the scene in which King Idomeneo presents the severed heads not only of the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon, but also of Muhammad, Jesus and Buddha.

This opera has been around for 225 years and not a peep out of Muslims. Now, in another example of the civilized world caving in to the threat of a Muslim temper tantrum, the Germans reward the absurd threat by giving in...pathetic! You expect this nonsense from the French and the Spanish, but the Germans? Clearly all of Europe is about to be overrun by radical Islam if they don't stop the insane political correctness.

If the Muslims aren't rioting over some stupid cartoons, they're slaughtering nuns. If they aren't demanding personal apologies from the Pope, they're suicide bombing weddings. This is not how civilized human beings act. Cultures who want respect from other cultures do not demand it under the threat of violent punishment.

Despite their overwhelming majority, European societies have already accepted their dhimmi status, that is, their submissive role as a minority in a Muslim dominated society. Embarassingly France, Spain, and now Germany have all exhibited their pathetic unwillingness to stand up for their own cultures in the face of threats of violence from a minority of citizens, for fear that somebody might call them Islamophobic, or nativists, or too nationalistic, or intolerant.

I have nothing but disgust for this attitude of subservience to the playground bully which is Muslim jihadism.
My biggest fear is that if the liberals regain power, America will be next.


  1. Put the play on. Don't give in to any threat. If you notice this, the media doesn't give a hoot about Jesus's head only the man Mohammed. Strange how buttons get pushed isn't it.

  2. Yes, the media rather takes pleasure in bashing Christians but heavens...don't say anything provocative about Muhammed.

    And whatever you do, don't suggest they're violent or they might kill us.
