Thursday, August 31, 2006

You have to love half-witted beauty pageant contestants

This illustrates the point I've been trying to make for months, that all Muslims are suffering because of the actions of a few radicals, because they don't speak out. This rationalization for Muslims' failure to condemn terrorism, makes absolutely no sense, but what do you expect from a 19 year old, beauty queen?

Stereotyping is leading to terror, says first Muslim Miss England Last updated at 10:34am on 31st August 2006

The first Muslim to be crowned Miss England has warned that stereotyping members of her community is leading some towards extremism.
Hammasa Kohistani made history last year when she was chosen to represent England in the Miss World pageant.
But one year on, the 19-year-old student from Hounslow feels that winning the coveted beauty title last September was a "sugar coatingî for Muslims who have become more alienated in the past 12 months.
She said: "The attitude towards Muslims has got worse over the year. Also the Muslims' attitude to British people has got worse.

"Even moderate Muslims are turning to terrorism to prove themselves. They think they might as well support it because they are stereotyped anyway. It will take a long time for communities to start mixing in more.
"People may feel I am just a sugar coating on the situation. I am a symbol to show it's not really that bad.

Miss Kohistani said: "Tony Blair addressed Muslims in particular, telling them that they need to sort out the problem within. That was a huge stereotype of the Islamic community. Even the more moderate Muslims have been stereotyped negatively and feel they have to take actions to prove themselves.

She said that moderate Muslims are turning to terrorism to prove themselves? Prove themselves to be what? Terrorists? Yeah that'll really endear them to the rest of the population. So that means that if you divide the immigrant Muslim population into three groups, radical jihadists, moderate Muslims, and Western assimilated Muslims, that two thirds of them cannot be trusted not to become terrorists? Tony Blair was exactly right in saying that it's the entire Muslim community, not just a token few, who needs to verypubliclyy condemn these extremists in their midst. Only then will the non-Muslim community in which they reside begin to see them as allies in the war on Islamofascism. If they continue to sit on their hands and say nothing when terrorists strike, they will be rightly viewed as terrorist sympathasizers, and treated accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. Upon a very close inspection, Miss Kohistani needs to rethink her stance. I find it interesting that she is talking about all this Muslim hooey while wearing a tiara adorned with 3 jeweled crosses. Last time I checked, the cross is a symbol used by the Christioan church, not her treasured Islamic faith with their mts and facing east and such. Isn't it amazing that she and her family can turn their backs on their homeland and move elsewhere and then defend actions of the militant few as if they should be acceptable to normal society.

    By the way, when she moves back to Iraq, she will make a lovely bullett screen for a sniper.

    I wonder which contest is next for Hammasa - The Miss Hezbollah Contest, The Miss Abu Grabi Contest, or the ever fierceful Miss Euro-Suicide Train Bomber Contest.

    Shut up you stupid winch!!
