Thursday, August 03, 2006

You gotta love Paris Hilton, if only for the material

This is Paris Hilton talking about how she "earns" a living.

Seriously, this is the funniest thing you'll read all day...

"I went to Austria recently and got paid 1 million (£53 million) just to wave at a crowd of people there. I had to say 'hi' and tell them why I loved Austria so much," she said.

Asked why she loved Austria so much, she said: "Because they pay me £1 million to wave at crowds!"

You can't make this stuff up folks.


  1. Did you hear the latest? Paris was visiting England and when asked about about Tony Blair, she didn't even know who he was. I guess it's true, she's not well known for her brains.

  2. It's a curious paradoxical phenomenon: being famous for being famous.

  3. Did you read that she is now declaring herself closed for business (Celibacy for 1 year), and telling the world that she has only been with 2 men. I watched her video (reasearch only) and am amazed at quickly she learned all those things while not being told anything. I guess I should have had a video camera with me a few years ago. Imagine how much fun #2 had!!! Anyway she proves daily that it requires very little to entertain the public. If she is stupid, then the rest of the world must be at the moron level. She gets $ to show up at parties. How did I miss that gig. I'll even be nice to all the guests.
