Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Winning the battle, but losing the war...

Joe Lieberman is in the fight for his political life in Connecticut today. The radical, anti-war, Bush-loathing Left has successfully foisted Ned Lamont, a lucky-sperm-club, country-club Liberal, onto the political scene to oppose what is arguably one of the most liberal-voting Senators this side of Kerry and Kennedy. So why you ask, if Lieberman is so loyal to liberalism, is the Democratic Party pulling out all the stops to defeat him in favor of a novice rich boy?

Answer: because Joe Lieberman made the grave mistake of supporting the war on terror. The far left in this country who dominate and control the Democratic Party, ie. George Soros, Howard Dean, Markos Moulitsas, etc., will do and support literally anything that harms Bush and the Republicans, including destroying one of their own.

Peace-at-any-cost, has become the litmus test for incumbent Democrats. If you favored the war in Iraq, you are against them and you must be destroyed. If you favor letting Israel settle their business with Hezbollah as part of the GWOT, you are a Bush sympathizer and must be destroyed. If you favor taking a hard line against Iran and North Korea concerning nuclear weapons, you are a Bush sycophant and must be destroyed.

This particular pathology of the Left exposes the Party as one of craven political ambition regardless of notions of right and wrong or good and evil. Literally everything and every occasion represents a political opportunity to the radical Left. There is no such thing as putting politics aside momentarily for the good of the country, or for the global good for that matter. It's all about reseizing political power by defeating Bush and conservatism...and nothing else.

If Lieberman loses today, it will embolden the Democratic far left to attack other moderates in their camp and it will force Dem. candidates who have competent November challengers to embrace the anti-war left if they want Party support.

Whatever Howard Dean says, Americans do not like surrender, retreat, or appeasement of evil, and the Democrats are exposing themselves as being the Party of exactly those things. The wacky Dems might see a Lieberman defeat as a victory for themselves but I predict Americans will reject whining, appeasement liberals in November and again in '08, when it really counts.

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