Wednesday, August 02, 2006

This is just getting embarassing...

Gibson Asks Jews for Help in Healing

Mel Gibson's remarks about Jews during his DUI arrest were beyond stupid, and certainly he should apologize for them, but all this public groveling and self-flagellation, prostrate before all the world is embarassing to watch. Enough already!

The people whose forgiveness matter to Gibson have already decided whether or not they will forgive him, and apparently he's getting help with his booze problem with the support of his family, so why the demand from everybody that he continue to demean himself after he apologized already...apparently very forthrightly and sincerely from the accounts I've read?

Answer: because some people who believe they've been personally insulted derive sadistic pleasure from watching the offender twist and squirm in purgatory as he begs their forgivness, (and the smug media love nothing more than to watch the rich and powerful be humbled). Other peoples' mistakes allow these pathetic wretches to feel superior, and the longer they withhold forgiveness, the longer they get to indulge their pompous arrogance, as if they never said anything they regretted.

Seriously, who takes as gospel the ravings of a toasted drunk? I do not for a second believe that the world's Jewish population got it's collective panties all in a bunch over Mel's 2:00AM, inebriated rant, and I think the soulless media pushes this non-story simply because it sells.


  1. I agree that this is more of an issue because he's a big celebrity who did something really stupid but unfortunately he didn't just get drunk and toss a phone at someone or punch some annoying papparazzi in the face. He offended an entire race of people and I don't think Hollywood will or even should forgive and forget so easily this time no matter how much he apologizes. I doubt Steven Speilberg will be calling Mel up anytime soon to make the next big blockbuster.

  2. I think if Mel pitches a sure-fire money-maker, Hollywood will forget his drunken rant.

    Should they forget? Not if they have any scrupples or standards of decency.

    Will they forget? Sure, because above all they are craven capitolists despite their attempts to claim that they are artisans and craftsmen.
