Friday, August 11, 2006

A small price to pay for your life...

Just plan your travel around the rules and it's not that big a deal...

LOS ANGELES - Tougher air travel security procedures were still evolving at U.S. airports early Friday, with a second layer of security check points opening at the airplane gates and National Guard troops arriving to patrol major airports in New York, California and Massachusetts.
The new rules, including a prohibition on carrying liquids aboard aircraft, were hastily added early Thursday after British authorities arrested 24 people in an alleged plot to blow up U.S.-bound planes by using explosives disguised as common liquids and other items.

Sure it's it's inconvenient to fly these days, and becoming more of a pain with each foiled terror plot, but what's the alternative? Look, we Americans are spoiled rotten when it comes to air travel. We expect to be catered to, served drinks and food on the shortest of hops, and our every need met with a smile. Since 9/11, and what happened yesterday in England, all that must change. Draconian security measures on airlines are the price we must now pay for appeasing radical Islamo-fascists in our midst for the past 20 years.

Ever since Jimmy Carter yanked the rug out from under the America-friendly Shah if Iran and the hostages were taken, there has been an increasing and endless barrage of attacks on American and Western assets around the world, all without answer from us. We fussed around and listened to liberal hand-wringers who convinced us to listen to the terrorists, be nice to them, give them billions in tax-payer aid, understand them, appease them and they will like us, when we should have been methodically killing them and terminating their operations. For those disastrous decisions not to exterminate the terrorist threat and doing so in a way that vanquishes any idea they might have of attacking us again, the price we have to pay is long lines, invasive security searches, and now no liquids or gels in carry-ons.

It's an ominous fact that there are perhaps hundreds or thousands of terror cells just like the one in England, all over Europe and the U.S. patiently waiting for us to give them an opportunity to put their particular plan into action. We have to succeed in stopping them each and every time they attempt an attack. All they have to do is succeed once and we have another 9/11.

I don't think not being allowed to carry your $7 double caff. latte from Starbucks onto the plane is too much to ask if the policy is another proven method of stopping these bastards from succeeding again.

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