Wednesday, August 02, 2006


This is beyond outrageous! You would never see something racist like this on a conservative site, but the party who pretends to be the champion of minorities (Democrats) trots this kind of blatant racism out on one of it's most popular (though I don't know why) blogs...Huffington Post. Jane Hamsher is trying to make the case against the re-election of Joe Lieberman by saying what exactly...that Lieberman is like an uncle Tom to Bill Clinton? I don't really get it except that is is blatantly racist. And where is the outrage from the good Rev's Sharpton and Jackson who've both thrown their support for Ned Lamont, Lieberman's challenger? How embarassingly two-faced for them to imagine bigotry and racism around every corner when it pertains to white conservatives, only to pretend it doesn't exist when your own side slaps you in the face with it, simply because it serves your political interests.

When are blacks going to wise up to the fact that they are being used as willing stooges by Democrats? How else can you interpret the use of a slave image like this? Unbelievable!

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