Monday, August 14, 2006

More fun with FEMA...

This tidbit illustrates perfectly the abject, miserable incompetence that has seized the federal government's releif agency...and the federal government in general...

Prompted by a WAFB 9NEWS INVESTIGATION, FEMA said Monday it will replace locks on as many as 118-thousand trailers used by victims of hurricanes who are living in trailers provided by the government agency.FEMA says some keys could open as many as 50 different locks. At two FEMA trailer parks in Baton Rouge, our investigation revealed residents who were able to open not only their trailers, but also trailers of other individuals parked only a few spaces away.

The fact that there are still people living in FEMA trailers, and haven't gotten on with their lives, is incredible to me. I get that entire towns were destroyed and may remain wastelands not to be repopulated any time in the near future. I get that people lost literally everything including their land(in terms of it's usability). I get that the jobs from those towns do not exist any more for thousands of people but COME ON!. Why are there at least 118,000 families still living off the taxpayers in FEMA trailers? What are they waiting for? Move to a new city. Get a different job. Start a new life. How long are people willing to do nothing to help themselves, while they wait for the government(fellow taxpayers) to take care of all their needs? Apparently the disappointing answer to that question is still unknown as the meter is still running on Katrina leftovers.

I used to believe that one cannot overstate the ingenuity, determination, and rugged individualism of Americans. It's what this country was built on. Dismayingly, Katrina dingleberries show that dependence, laziness, and entitlement are qualities difficult to overrstate as well.

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