Monday, August 28, 2006


I can't believe some parents let their kids out of the house dressed the way they do. This should happen at every school...

HAMMOND, Ind. (AP) - Classrooms were a little less crowded at Morton High School on the first day of classes: 128 students were sent home for wearing the wrong clothes.
Fed up with inappropriate outfits, the principal suspended the students for one day Wednesday, minutes after doors opened at the school. Those suspended represent more than 10 percent of the 1,200 total students.
The offending attire - including baggy pants, low-cut shirts, tank tops and graphic T-shirts - are banned from classrooms. Students were also cited for cell phone use.
"This was the worst year I've seen in a long time," said Principal Theresa Mayerik. "It's gotten out of control, and we needed to send a message that we're not messing around."
The Hammond school usually has 20 dress code violations a day.
Mayerik said the infraction would be removed from students' records in 12 weeks if they had no other in-school violations.
School board members said they support Mayerik and the mass suspensions. "I'd be supportive if half the school was sent home, because 99 percent will get the message our schools are for education," board president Rebecca Ward said.

High school is not the place to be making a fashion statement. It's for learning and preparing for college. Uniforms are an excellent idea and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if all schools went to them. If not uniforms, then certainly a draconian punishment policy would quell the offenders' desire to dress like they're in the hood, or walking the red light district. It's incredible to me what kids get away with wearing to school these days.


  1. Uniforms are great. They equlaize the fashions of the cash crowd.Everybody dresses the same therefore there are less issues with stereotyping. I think that in some schools the orange jump suit is appropriate, since many graduates will be wearing them soon enough anyway. Girls dont look so great in a baggy orange jump suit either. Now we have cut down on the sexual drives of these teenagers, and given them more time for study less time for hormone theater.

  2. Nice take JC.

    Uni's will cut down on all kinds of problems associated with teen individuality.
