Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Even crazy liberals can do something nice once in a while

I heard that Ol' Ted Kennedy actually did something for which he deserves credit. It seems that a group of about 20 troops from Massachusetts were returning from Iraq, and were faced with a 20 hour bus ride from Indiana home to Mass. Apparently Kennedy spent his own money and paid for them to fly home saying that no combat soldier should have to endure a bus ride that long to get home.

Good for Ted! I have to give credit where credit is due. That was a totally cool thing to have done.

"But Ed", you smugly point out, "He only did it for the political points it would score with voters."

Possibly. But he's a politician. Politicians of both parties don't go to the bathroom without some degree of political calculation. That being said, I don't think the soldiers care what his reasons for doing it are, and I have to give him the benefit of the doubt here and assume that he had the best of intentions in paying their way home. If he scores some political points for what? He deserves credit for doing something good for somebody.

See, even I can be nice to a liberal when he does something worthwhile and decent. And I even chose a flattering picture of him.

1 comment:

  1. Not surprisingly, one of his many web pages espousing his exalted greatness and humanitarianism had this picture, probably from his Chappaquidick days...good times!
