Friday, August 25, 2006

The dumbest thing I've ever seen...

Puppy purse the ultimate accessory for pooch lovers

You have absolutely got to be kidding me!

Look at that stupid dog...our cat has hacked up furballs bigger than that.

What's wrong with a leash so the dog can get some exercise too?

This whole pretty-girl obsession with toy dogs that Paris Hilton popularized is really getting on my nerves. I'm glad I'm married already because these girls who walk around with these stupid little dogs in their purses, under their arms, and now on their butts, really annoy me to the point of being a deal-breaker in a relationship.


  1. I just wonder what PETA will say about this? I don't think that this small frail dog is enjoying itself. This is the type of animal that is picked on at playground recess by the bigger dogs, prompting its owner to rush in to save the day pick it up and safely store in this contraption. Where is the dignity in this . Who wants to be jossled around strapped in by your chect, legs and arms hanging loose, looking backwards as your master walks on some random sidewalk, vainly trying to get or stay thin - all in an effort to land a male of the same species.

  2. This contraption looks like what I imagine calves destined for the veal market are suspended in so their muscles do not develop and become firm...thus the softness of veal.

    When I found out how veal is produced (suspending baby cows for a year or more) I never ordered it again. Disgusting!

    The Thai or Vietnamese people better not get a look at this story. They might get the bright idea of supplying the market with puppy-veal...eeeeew!
