Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dude, get the band back together...

I'm working here in the lab this morning and listening to the New Radicals' only album, Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too.

Man, that's a great album! There is not one bad song on it. You know how sometimes you buy a CD because the one song you've heard on the radio is really good, but then you listen to the CD and the rest of the songs stink? This is not one of those CD's.

If you never heard it, try to find it at a Coconuts or somewhere that sells used CD's. In my opinion they sound exactly like a cross between The Rolling Stones and World Party. I was bummed when Gregg Alexander decided to break up the band after one album to become a producer.


  1. The Green Lantern says....I prefer the Sex Pistols.

  2. I could have guessed that you would like the Pistols, Green Lantern. Somehow, it's consistent with your wacky view of the world.
