Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dopey parents

You just know that these two idiot parents set their kid up for this just so they could make a big dramatic, public stand against Bush...

Court OKs Wearing Anti-Bush Shirt at School
A U.S. student who sued school officials after he was made to censor his T-shirt that labeled President Bush "Chicken-Hawk-In-Chief" and a former alcohol and cocaine abuser won an appeal Wednesday to wear the T-shirt to school.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Zachery Guiles, who through his parents claimed his free speech rights had been violated when school officials made him put duct tape over parts of his T-shirt that showed a Bush image surrounded by cocaine, a razor blade, a straw and a martini.

The T-shirt read "George W. Bush" and "Chicken-Hawk-In-Chief" with a picture of the president's face wearing a helmet superimposed on the body of a chicken.
Story Continues Below

The back of the T-shirt showed lines of cocaine, a martini glass and smaller print that accused Bush of being a "Crook," "Cocaine Addict," AWOL," "Draft Dodger" and "Lying Drunk Driver."

I'm sorry but middle school is not the place for incendiary, political soapboxing. These two flower children pretending to be parents, are trying to relive their dope-smoking, America-hating, halcyon days of their youth during the sixties, and they're disgracefully using their kid to do it.

This is a text-book example of how liberals foist their anti-establishment agenda on the American population. All they have to do is find a sniveling, sympathetic, Carter-appointed judge who will rule in their favor and BAM...their idiotic, subversive ideas become acceptable as part of the national political dialogue.

Hopefully some patriotic kid who wants to be a Marine will beat him up and take his shirt.


  1. Well said Reid. We could use a little more old shool thinking like your father's these days.

  2. Today was college "spirit" day at my daughter's middle school. While everyone will most likely be adorned in their UGA paraphenalia (Gag), my daughter is sporting my Animal House - Mr. Blutarski - inspired C-O-L-L-E-G-E long-sleeved t-shirt. (My Converse All-Stars wouldn't fit her.)I doubt anyone will make the connection.

  3. Only the parents will make the connection and think that you let her watch Animal House...bad parent!

  4. War Bluto!!! And where is D DAy when we truly need him
