Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Al Gore just can't buy a break...

U.S. scales back Atlantic hurricane forecast

MIAMI - The United States hurricane season will be slightly less intense this year than first predicted with nine hurricanes expected to form, government forecasters said on Tuesday, but they warned the most dangerous part of the season was still to come.

“This year’s three named storms may pale in comparison to the record nine storms that formed through early August 2005, but conditions will be favorable for above-normal activity for the rest of this season — so we are not off the hook by any means,” said NOAA Administrator Conrad Lautenbacher.

It seems that even dreaded global warming and the eeeeviiil George Bush cannot produce the excessive, destructive weather that Al Gore needs to ravage the U.S., in order to "prove" his wacky environmental theories. Since nobody went to see his idiotic movie, he needs some serious death and destruction in the U.S. so Americans will take him seriously rather than as the moronic, class clown he's viewed as now.


  1. I'm switching to a bicycle to avoid any further culpability in global warming. Goodbye Ubiquitaurus!

  2. I'm sure Al would be proud of you on his 20gal per minute, ozone-destroying G-5 he scoots around on promoting his idiotic global warming movie that nobody has seen.

    My wife and I carpool everyday in her white Mazda 626 (she calls it the chicklet) but not because we are concerned environmentalists. We couldn't care less about the environment. Our motivations are blatant self-interests. We drive it to save money on gas and to enjoy some quality time together.

  3. Come on Ed. Get it right. IT'S A TIC-TAC
