Tuesday, July 11, 2006

You cannot defeat an enemy you are unwilling to name...

Looks like the radical Islamic jihadists have struck again, this time in India...

Seven bombs hit Bombay's commuter rail network during rush hour Tuesday evening, killing at least 105 people and wounding more than 300 in what authorities called a well-coordinated attack. Chaos engulfed the crowded rail network in India's financial capital following the blasts that ripped apart train compartments as authorities struggled to treat the wounded amid heavy monsoon downpours. Doors and windows were blown off the train cars, and luggage and debris were strewn across the tracks. The bombings in Bombay came hours after a series of grenade attacks by Islamic extremists killed eight people in the main city of India's part of Kashmir.

This evening, watch the news and take an informal pole seeing if the media link this terrorist attack with a radical interpretation of Islam. They will look for every possible target for blame (regional politics over Kashmir, cultural strife between Indians and Pakastanis, George Bush is evil incarnate) to avoid mentioning that the perps were most likely Islamic.

Since when did it get to be so awful to name your enemy? The enemy is radical Islam. It's not unassimilated Arabic youth. It's not disgruntled north African immigrants who can't find jobs. It is anybody who subscribes to the radical interpretation of Islam which states that all infidels must be converted or killed.

Who came up with the name, Religion of Peace, anyway?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, where are the believers in the Religion of Peace when these terrorists attacks take place that claim the lives of hundreds of innocents?
    Where is CAIR to condemn the attacks as being inconsistent with the teachings of Islam?
    Where are the rank and file Muslims in the U.S. who will stand up and say, "We do not condone these acts and will practice good citizenship by ratting out those who do"?
    Where are all the Muslims who claim to believe in peace?
    I'll tell you where they are. They are skulking in their madrasses around the world secretly happy when their radical, murdering brethren succussfully carry out a strike at the heart of the great satan by slaughtering civilian women and children, that's where!
