Friday, July 07, 2006

These people are too stupid for words...

Here we have yet another example of... [human stupidly chooses to get close to a wild animal and wild animal badly hurts stupid human].

PAMPLONA, Spain - A New Yorker was paralyzed below the waist while dodging young bulls with other revelers in the bullring at Spain's San Fermin Festival in Pamplona on Friday, festival organizers said.
The 31-year-old, named by hospital authorities as Ray Ducharn, was undergoing surgery after being taken to intensive care after he was hurt while trying to escape when the animals were released in Pamplona's bullring following the famous running of the bulls through the town's streets.
It was unclear exactly how Ducharn was injured but he did not appear to have been gored, organizers said.

You don't have to be gored to sustain a very bad injury. These bulls weigh like 1500-2000 pounds. Stepping on you would break bones. I get the whole thrill seeking thing but this is exactly like jumping into a shark tank at the aquarium with an open wound.

Other equally sensible events for thrill seekers:

- Chutes and 'Chetes -- 25 parachutes are thrown from an airplane followed by 26 thrill seekers with machetes

- The Gator Dash -- 100 thrill seekers douse themselves with chicken broth and try to survive a night in the Everglades

- Hooligans and Highjinks -- 100 thrill seekers attend a British soccer match cleverly dressed as fans of the team that just beat the crap out of them the previous day

If anybody has any good suggestions for thrill seeking events for people stupid enough to run with the bulls, post them in the comments section.


  1. Sorry but these people get what they deserve...a horn in the butt, a trampled leg, or a broken back.

  2. Pithy, Cedric. My compliments. You should send some viewer mail to O'Reilly. You would be a big hit there.
