Monday, July 24, 2006

Something a little different...

Here's the picture of Miss Puerto Rico right after she won Miss Universe, but right before she fainted from apparent starvation and loss of blood to her head from holding that bizarre smile for the last 5 days of the competition.

Let's see who can come up with the best caption for this picture. I'll start it off...

Ed#1: "I can't believe they picked me after I ate that blueberry for breakfast...I'm such a pig."

Ed#2: "My Barbi collection is going to be so proud of me."


  1. How about " As good as it gets". Sadly Americans are actually interested in this BS.

  2. Yeah, I have never gotten the whole pageant thing.

  3. Picture Caption: I can't see my hand.

    Look, my hand is bleeding !

    Oh shit! I'm supposed to wave with my hand the other way.

    I'm sweating so much my notes have faded from my palm.

  4. "My mom was right, I kept making this face, and now it just stays like this."

  5. "I can't believe that hussy Miss America made the top ten. I am soooo much prettier than her. "

  6. "Oh my, is that Hasslehoff?"

  7. Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
